2 Loops Art


The symbol of 2 Loops Arts is formed by two rings to make up the infinity sign (∞), originating from the Latin word ‘infinitas’, carrying a meaning of ‘unboundedness’ and ‘limitless’. We believe that art is derived from everyday surroundings and it is not limited by any rules or set formulas, hence the concepts or materials used in the process of art making have endless possibilities. It is proven that art making is beneficial for the development of children’s minds and their personal growth, and also boosts their self-esteem. We aim to provide high quality visual arts education, dedicated to cultivating student’s aesthetic perceptions and stimulate the creative minds of people of all ages. 2 Loops Arts offers structured art classes designed to take students on an artistic journey, not only to explore a wide range of art materials, but also to enhance their artistic competence and sensibility when they create or view art. Our ultimate goal is to allow students to learn more about their true selves through the process of art making.

2 Loops Arts 的標誌是由兩個環組成的符號(∞) 來自拉丁文的「infinitas」,代表「無限」的意思。我們相信藝術源自身邊一切事物,有着不受公式所局限的特質,所以藝術創作不論在概念或物料選材上都可以是無窮無盡的,令孩子的思維及成長都有很大的裨益。我們旨於為學生提供高質素的視覺藝術教育,致力培養不同年紀學生對美的感知能力、創意思維和想像力。課程提供不同物料的體驗,以多元技巧訓練及藝術恆常課程,提升學員的藝術修養及觀賞藝術的觸覺,透過藝術去認識真正自己。

Social Media & Contact:
Website: https://www.2loopsarts.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2loopsarts/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2loopsarts/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 37058915
E-mail: 2loopsarts@gmail.com
Address: 香港北角電氣道233號城市中心商場1樓89號舖

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