Artiste Studio 展藝創作室(中半山店)


Balancing Technique and Interest in Art - Artiste Studio is a place for passionate art lovers to learn, experience, share and interact. Age does not mark the boundary here. Children could acquire art technique and knowledge from the adult students, while adults could gain inspiration from the bold creativity of young ones. The classes puts emphasis on 3E's: Enjoy, Explore, Experience. We have created an environment for students to enjoy creative art, to ignite passion in exploring one’s own talents, and to experience a unique journey of art. It is in our belief that the key to a timeless art journey is to achieve and sustain the balance in developing skills and pursuing interest in art.

興趣與技巧之間的平衡 - 展藝創作室是一個藝術愛好者學習、發揮和交流的空間。在這裡,沒有年齡的界限,小孩子和大人都可以是老師:小孩可以從課堂中學習到創作的技巧和藝術知識;成人學員和老師們也能從小孩子最純真的創作意念中得到啟發。

Social Media & Contact:
Telephone / WhatsApp: 28589296
Address: 香港中半山些利街17號地舖

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