Canaan Art Music Centre 迦南藝術音樂中心


Canaan Art Music Center by the senior music, art teacher Chen Sir founded to train students to learn through music and art, to understand the beauty of art and music, creating a rich, colorful life.Center instructors will tailor the right program for students, so that students learn more effectively absorb the content. Instructors will continue to monitor student progress and make appropriate follow-up, but will regularly communicate with parents to discuss student progress, the more effective assistance programs.Canaan Art Music Center attaches great importance to students of good character, because a good learning attitude is a necessary condition for success, so this center set up different incentive system so that students learn to establish a correct attitude towards learning so that students in the learning process can be more effective.

迦南藝術音樂中心由資深音樂、美術老師陳Sir 創立,旨在致力培養學員透過學習音樂及美術,明白藝術與音樂之美,從而建立豐盛、多采多姿的人生。中心導師會為學員度身設計合適課程,讓學員更有效吸收所學內容。導師會不斷留意學員進度並作出適切跟進,更會定期與家長溝通,共同商討更有效協助學員進步之方案。迦南藝術音樂中心十分注重學員之品行,因為良好的學習態度是成功的必要條件,所以本中心設立不同的獎勵制度讓學員從中建立正確的學習態度,使學員於學習過程中能事半功倍。

Social Media & Contact:
Telephone / WhatsApp: 25188053
Address: 北角電氣道233號城市花園商場第10座1樓38號鋪

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