Leaps and Bounds 小樂邦


Leaps and Bounds Art Centre is established in Hong Kong in 2004. Our vision is a total learning approach to develop both logic reasoning skills and creative thinking, and to foster healthy living and enduring values in our students. Integrating traditional spirituality with modern concepts, our art programs encourage experiential learning, problem solving and personal expression while inspiring creativity and critical appreciation of culture and the arts.Our centre has developed and perfected an unconventional and effective foundation art program. Each student is the centre of attention in our small group class setting. From subject matter, art medium, to expressive style, students have freedom of choice. Under the guidance of our team of experienced instructors, whose goals are to maximize students' individuality and potentials, each student's artwork can remain a true and meaningful representation of his/her life or personality.


Social Media & Contact:
Website: http://www.leapsandbounds.com.hk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leapsandboundsartcentre/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 31882710
E-mail: info@leapsandbounds.com.hk
Address: 銅鑼灣禮頓道26號凱基商業大廈6樓全層

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