Leo Music (顯徑店)


"Leo music" was found by Mr. Leo Fung since 1994 , in the past 29 years, we and our teachers were holding with a strong faith and focused in a single mission, bring " Magnificent Lives" to everyone by using art and music.We believes creative education could increase student's interest in study and brought them self-motivation in any areas. Our educational principle was agreed by many parents and children in different social levels. A creative learning method, peaceful study environment and positive educational direction helps children to grow their mind and body.

Social Media & Contact:
Website: https://www.leomusic.com.hk//
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeoMusicCom/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 21111619
E-mail: customer@leomusic.com.hk
Address: 沙田大圍顯徑商場 302 號舖

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