Swallow Arts 燕子畫苑


Our Centre has been teaching Art classes since 1979, and are well known for our Chinese calligraphy & painting. In 1994, we introduced "Creative Chinese writing classes, conducted in both Cantonese and Mandarin, which have been well received by our parents witnessing great improvement in their children's writing. Despite our modestly sized classrooms, and not quite modern décor, there are plenty of creative space for our students, and they love coming to study at our Centre. Our Chinese courses are well structured and our kids have fun while learning, and nothing is forced upon them :Our Chinese motto:「開心學寫作」(Happy learning)Do come and check us out!


Social Media & Contact:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swallow.arts.centre/
Telephone / WhatsApp: 51366478
Address: 24 Fort Street North Point, Hong Kong

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